Attachment Collective 2025

Six micro sessions with your child(ren)
3-5 images delivered following each session.
In 2025, there will be two Attachment Collective groups. All sessions will take place in the greater Middletown, Maryland area and will all take place on weekends. The most amazing locations and best ambiance for connectedness between you and your loved ones and the group as a whole is priority.
For those new to the Attachment Collective:
The six sessions take place on predetermined dates sent to the groups in December of this year as we plan for 2025. This way, you can plan for weekend getaways if you are out of town and signing up to be part of this collective.
Each session during the year can include you and all of your children or could be used in a variety of ways to embody attachment: special moments with you and one child or special moments with you and your own mother, etc. This is time and space to showcase your year in motherhood.